Reading across the curriculum – Readilearn

The importance of reading cannot be overstated. It is an essential skill, integral to almost everything we do. Teaching children to read is one of the most important, and most rewarding, aspects of our role as early childhood educators.

Some children come to school already reading. Others come not yet reading, but with a love of books and an expectation that they will learn to read. They understand that reading involves making sense of the squiggles on the page. These children usually learn to read effortlessly regardless of what we do.

Other children come to school with little experience of books and reading. For them, learning to read is a mystery and a greater challenge. For these children especially, it is important that we provide an environment rich in language and book experiences. We need to excite them about books and reading, interest them in words and language, and show them that books can be both a source of enjoyment and information.

I often hear teachers lament that there’s just not enough time in the crowded curriculum to read to children any more. But reading aloud to children, especially early childhood children, should be non-negotiable and a priority every day. How can we excite them about books, and interest them in reading, if we don’t read to them?

It is impossible to turn children onto books in one isolated reading lesson each day. In fact, reading lessons as such probably don’t turn children onto reading at all. That is not their purpose. Their purpose is to teach skills. But those skills should always be taught in context, and never in isolation. Nor should they be confined to lessons timetabled for English. Reading must occur across the curriculum and for a multitude of purposes throughout the day, from noting who is at school, interpreting the job roster and group allocations, to understanding connected text in various subject areas.

Many readilearn resources are designed to provide children with opportunities for reading across the curriculum. Even those designed specifically to develop reading skills have application in other subject areas.

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8 thoughts on “Reading across the curriculum – Readilearn

  1. Sacha Black

    Agreed. One of my fave memories is of my primary school teacher reading Dick King Smith to us and for some reason, we had a stuffed toy chicken! I forget why now, but we loved that bloody chicken so much she bought one for each of us. What a hero.

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  2. Sarah Brentyn

    Some children just develop a love of reading for whatever reason. Like…developing a love of football or music or dance. Others, despite being read to, have no interest in books and would rather “wait for the movie”. In general, though, I wholeheartedly agree that reading to children at a young age is crucial and increases (by a large percentage based on my non-scientific opinion) children’s ability and love of reading. 🙂

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    1. Norah Post author

      That’s true. Not everyone develops a love of reading. But I think there’s more chance for its being developed when read to than not. I agree with your non-scientific opinion. Thank you for sharing it. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. jennypellett

    Reading to children should be a prerequisite of becoming a parent, let alone a teacher. Stories and story time cannot be given enough importance. But we’ve been here before, Norah, we just need to keep on keeping on about it. However sophisticated the world becomes technology wise, there MUST always be room for stories😉

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