Tag Archives: robots

Robotic Writer #99WordStories

This week at the Carrot Ranch, Charli Mills challenged writers to In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story about a robotic writer. Is it an analogy or a battery-operated i-writer? Is it possible? What will happen if robots write? Go where the prompt leads!

This is where the prompt took me — a whole lot of mashed-up similes trying to express the various moods of my writing process. I hope it makes some kind of sense and isn’t all gibberish.

Robotic Writer

When ideas stalled and deadlines loomed, her determined digits thumped the keys, pausing after each stroke, like a robotic writer waiting for the next line of code.

When ideas jostled like unruly children vying for attention, never still enough to focus, she pummelled keys like lightning strikes then backspaced like rowboats in the storm.

When ideas flowed as if channelled from another source, her fingers tap-danced like spring raindrops in a puddle with a magpie chorus joining in.

When the final key was pressed and words were read, with scrunched-up nose, she hit delete and binned the robotic gobbledygook.

Thank you blog post

Thank you for reading. I appreciate your feedback. Please share your thoughts.

Note: The collection of stories made in response to the previous prompt Farm Life can be read at the Carrot Ranch here.

Learning to code and a local Aboriginal language

#WATWB Learning to code and a local Aboriginal language from a robot

On the last Friday of each month We Are the World Blogfest invites bloggers to join together in promoting positive news. I join in as often as I can as we need to look beyond the alarmist headlines and see all the good that is happening in the world. If you would like to join in, please check out the rules and links below.

This year is the International Year of Indigenous Languages.

I have already shared three good news stories that complement the year’s theme:

A mindfulness app for Indigenous communities

Engagement through music and song

New Indigenous Doll to Foster Understanding

This month I am adding another about a small robot named Pink that is being used to help children learn the local Aboriginal language at the same time as they learn to code. Interactions with the robot have been found to involve deep learning of both languages and an understanding of and appreciation for the traditional and new cultures. Many in the community have become involved and a new pride in the traditional culture of the area has developed.

Click to read the whole article: How a robot called Pink helped teach school children an Aboriginal language.

As stated by #WATWB, “There are many an oasis of love and light out there, stories that show compassion and the resilience of the human spirit. Sharing these stories increases our awareness of hope in our increasingly dark world.”

I think we can always do with more good news stories so please join in and share positive stories you have found.

Here are the guidelines for #WATWB:

1. Keep your post to Below 500 words, as much as possible.

2. Link to a human news story on your blog, one that shows love, humanity, and brotherhood. Paste in an excerpt and tell us why it touched you. The Link is important, because it actually makes us look through news to find the positive ones to post.

3. No story is too big or small, as long as it Goes Beyond religion and politics, into the core of humanity.

4. Place the WE ARE THE WORLD badge or banner on your Post and your Sidebar. Some of you have already done so, this is just a gentle reminder for the others.

5. Help us spread the word on social media. Feel free to tweet, share using the #WATWB hashtag to help us trend!

Tweets, Facebook shares, Pins, Instagram, G+ shares using the #WATWB hashtag through the month most welcome. We’ll try and follow and share all those who post on the #WATWB hashtag, and we encourage you to do the same.

The co-hosts this month:

Susan Scott

Peter Nena

 Shilpa Garg

 Mary J. Giese

Damyanti Biswas

Please pop over to their blogs to read their stories, comment and share.

Click here to paste the link to your post in the Facebook group. The bigger the #WATWB group each month, the greater the joy!

Thank you blog post

Thank you for reading. I appreciate your comments. Please share your thoughts.