multicultural Australia

readilearn: I am Australian – Readilearn

Australia is a continent populated mostly by immigrants or their descendants. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, in 2016, the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples living in Australia was less than 3 per cent of the population. This means that over 97 have ancestors who were born elsewhere, though most will feel the influence of no more than two previous generations and consider themselves firmly Australian. In fact, the number of Australians born overseas is still increasing and was over 28 per cent in 2016.

What this means for teachers in Australia, is that the composition of their classes will include children from a great diversity of cultural backgrounds. Possibly it is the same for you.

This proxy Australian anthem I Am Australian, written by Bruce Woodley and Dobe Newton, is a moving song that honours the diversity of cultures in Australia, from the First Australians to more recent immigrants. It is often sung in schools to help develop an understanding of and appreciation for the richness of the Australian peoples.

It is important to teach children acceptance of and appreciation for each other and their traditions. A supportive classroom will value each child’s contribution and heritage. Getting to know each other at the beginning of a school year provides the perfect opportunity for learning about the traditions of others. However, it can be done at any time of the year.

readilearn resources that assist you do this are: Continue reading.

Source: readilearn: I am Australian  – Readilearn

13 thoughts on “readilearn: I am Australian – Readilearn

  1. Susan Scott

    Well, that was pretty rousing Norah thank you! I agree with an earlier comment that it sounds vaguely Irish and also that it is the sort of song that could be fashioned/created/sung by all countries. We’re all immigrants in one way or another – here’s to a wonderful 2018 to you – and your continuing the good work.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Norah Post author

      Thank you for you wishes, Susan. I also wish a wonderful 2018 for you.
      Actually, if you look at the history of human population, seems the only ones whose ancestors didn’t emigrate somewhere are those who remained in Africa. 🙂


  2. davidprosser

    The song is good but the attitude behind it is better. If the U.S.adopted similar tactics of confirming integration and the value of different contributions like this then maybe some of their current problems would be over. It’s a good way to help accept the diversity of the population.
    xxx Huge Hugs xxx

    Liked by 2 people

  3. thecontentedcrafter

    I haven’t heard that song before Norah – it’s very good even though to my ear it sounds as if it is performed by an Irish group. Though of course the Irish are everywhere – I’m one of ’em 🙂 I love the way it picks out some of the different ways people came and stayed and I’m sure there are verses that can be added. Diversity is good – I’ m reminded of the song ‘Melting Pot’ from the 70’s…… Ooops, gone off on a tangent 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Norah Post author

      I’m pleased you enjoyed the song, Pauline. I think there’s Irish ancestors in my family too – maybe even a convict or two. Shhh!
      I used to love that song ‘Melting Pot’. That’s a blast from the past!
      Thanks for reading and commenting.

      Liked by 1 person


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