special days and events to celebrate in the classroom in March

Special Days and Events for Classroom Celebrations — March – #readilearn

As we step into March, here in the Southern Hemisphere, we are looking forward to some cooler weather and a reprieve from summer’s heat as autumn begins. In the Northern Hemisphere, many will be looking forward to springtime and warmer days.

Things to do in March

Regardless of your location, March is a good time for discussing the seasons and observing changes in the environment.

Records might include observations of changes in:

  • plants (remember this is the International Year of Plant Health so add that to your discussions)
  • animals
  • the weather including temperature
  • their own activities
  • the clothing they wear
  • the foods they eat

Records could be made using photographs, artworks (including drawing, painting, collage) and words.

The Classroom Daily Calendar can assist you record the weather and season for each day.

Clean up Australia Day

The first of March is Clean up Australia Day. The website provides useful information to assist each of us to be proactive in eliminating waste and reducing pollution. Each section in helping us to ‘Clean Up Our Waste’ explains the problem and suggests actions we can take. Whether large or small, every action makes a difference. Why not encourage your students to employ positive actions for the environment.

The website also lists ways individuals, schools and communities can become involved in cleaning up Australia on Sunday 1 March. (Clean Up Schools Day is today, 28 February.)

Continue reading: Special Days and Events for Classroom Celebrations — March – readilearn

19 thoughts on “Special Days and Events for Classroom Celebrations — March – #readilearn

        1. Norah Post author

          I’ve read today that our summer is lasting 31 days longer than it used to so you’ve got plenty of time to visit during summer – if you like the heat. 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Jim Borden

            I do love the heat; that’s one of the reasons I think I am enjoying Singapore so much. It gets to 90 degrees every day, and at night, has yet to go below 78 degrees. I hope the longer summer does not make the fire situation worse in Australia.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Norah Post author

              I do believe (the scientific evidence convinces me) the long hot summers are having a negative impact on our climate in general and the fire situation specifically. It’s a good thing you like the heat. You’ll fit right in with the earth’s warming.

              Liked by 1 person


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