readilearn: NAIDOC Week Celebrations 2018—Because of Her, We Can

In Australia, NAIDOC Week is celebrated around the country each July. The acronym NAIDOC stands for National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee. The theme of this year’s celebration, which runs from 8 to 15 July, is Because of Her, We Can!

The purpose of the week is to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Islander Peoples and acknowledge their contributions to our country. This year’s theme recognises that “Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women have played – and continue to play – active and significant roles at the community, local, state and national levels”, roles that have often gone unrecognised.

The 2018 poster, a painting by Bigambul woman, Cheryl Moggs, from Goondiwindi, portrays the courage and resilience of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women. You can read, in Cheryl’s own words, the inspiration behind her artwork here.

While most Australian school children are enjoying their mid-year break during NAIDOC Week, many teachers will be looking for ways to share the celebrations with their students when school resumes.

Any time is a good time to incorporate learning about Indigenous cultures and histories. In fact, embedding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures is one of the cross-curriculum priorities in the Australian Curriculum.  Although I provide links to resources and suggestions that Australian teachers can use with their classes when celebrating NAIDOC Week, I’m certain many of the resources will be of interest to others around the world when teaching about diverse cultures and histories.

The NAIDOC website has suggestions to get you started, and you can download a free copy of the 2018 NAIDOC Week poster from the website too. You can also check out their calendar for events near you. Refer to News for stories of women to celebrate.

In the following video, Uncle Barry Watson, the Elder in Residence with Communities for Children in Logan City in south-east Queensland, explains the

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17 thoughts on “readilearn: NAIDOC Week Celebrations 2018—Because of Her, We Can

  1. Sandy Briggs

    Norah, first of all, thank you for this information—This is not a tradition I have any knowledge of. I like, very much, the theme: “Because of her, we can.” I would like to send this post of yours to a cable news station (MSNBC) host who brings this type of information to its audience, with your permission. I also like the poster very much for meaning and style. Thank you. Sandy Briggs

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Norah Post author

      Hi Sandy,
      I’m pleased you enjoyed the post and found it informative. Of course, I’d love you to share the information in the post with your cable news station. I think it would be wonderful to share the good news. There are links in the post to help them get more details. Thank you for your interest and support.


  2. Jules

    Nice art! Learning about those people who were on any continent first and learning to regard them with respect they should have gotten from the beginning is a wonderful cause for celebration.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Christy B

    Oh Norah, I love this. Aboriginal culture is highly celebrated where I live in British Columbia, Canada. And to see the spotlight on females – wonderful. Thank you for offering suggestions to help promote this event on classrooms. It’s never to early to learn about the power of women. I will share this post across social media today. Also, thank you for your warm words whenever you stop by my blog. ❤



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