Tag Archives: Jasper’s Jumbled Up Words

meet Marg Gibbs author of Jasper's Jumbled Up Words

Meet Marg Gibbs author of Jasper’s Jumbled Up Words – #readilearn

Today it is my pleasure to introduce you to Marg Gibbs, author of Jasper’s Jumbled Up Words as part of a Books on Tour promotion.

Jasper’s Jumbled up Words is a story of a young child’s journey into communication through speech and shows how the encouragement of a loving family fosters the progress. The excitement that is felt when a child utters their first words will be familiar to most families.

Jasper’s Jumbled Up Words © Marg Gibbs


The back-cover blurb

Jasper’s Jumbled up Words is a gentle story about a young boy who wants to be understood.

‘In Jasper’s head, strange sounds bubble, but in his mouth the words get caught and only babble comes out.’

Jasper soon finds himself confused and upset. Then one day, he surprises everyone.

Jasper’s Jumbled up Words sensitively deals with the difficulties surrounding language development and offers children, parents and care givers hope.

About Marg Gibbs


Contine reading: Meet Marg Gibbs author of Jasper’s Jumbled Up Words – readilearn