For the Love of Books – #readilearn

Next Monday 14 February is a day with much to celebrate. As well as Valentine’s Day, it’s Library Lovers’ Day and International Book Giving Day.

It’s not difficult for me to talk about love and books in the same sentence as I have loved books for as long as I can remember. Although my reading habits have changed over the years, I have always been an avid reader and was a dedicated borrower of books from the library as I was growing up.

As an adult, I tend/ed to purchase rather than borrow for my own reading and could never pass a book shop without purchasing something for me, a family member or friend, and a picture book or three for my classroom collection. Books borrowed from the school library filled out the classroom library.

A birthday, Christmas or other occasion never passed without giving and receiving books. So, being able to combine the celebration of love, books and an appreciation for libraries is a treat. Nothing could be easier. Simply take someone you love to the library and gift them a book.

About Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day probably needs no introduction. In many parts of the world, it is a day for celebrating love and romance. Gifts of chocolates, flowers and verses in cards are often given.

Of course, in the classroom, our discussions aren’t about romantic love, but that doesn’t mean we can’t think about those important people in our lives whom we do love.

Children can write their own “I love” poem by innovating on the traditional camping song I love the mountains.

Continue reading: For the Love of Books – readilearn

34 thoughts on “For the Love of Books – #readilearn

  1. Mabel Kwong

    I loved reading this article, Norah. Books do make great gifts on any occasion. Agree that love can be shown in different ways on Valentine’s Day, and it’s a lovely idea to show appreciation to your local librarian. I found it interesting that some schools are doing away with librarians. I feel that’s unfortunate as a role of a librarian isn’t just about arranging books on a shelf – it’s much more than that and librarians can be really well versed in books and narratives.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Norah Post author

      Thank you for adding your words in support of libraries and librarians, Mabel. I don’t know how a school can be a school or a town a town without a library, or a librarian. If I hadn’t been a teacher, I’d have been a librarian. Sometimes I thought of being a teacher librarian but never made the move.
      Happy Valentine’s Day to another book lover, Mabel! 💖


      1. Mabel Kwong

        That is lovely you would have considered being a librarian if you weren’t a teacher, Norah. Libraries are so much more than arranging books in alphabetical order. There’ll always be a place for librarians eventhough we move towards ever so more digital. So nice of you, Norah. Hope it was a Happy Valentine’s for you too 💖

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Patricia Tilton

    What a great post. I don’t know how I didn’t remember or know about International Book Giving Day on Feb. 14. I just gave a refugee family from Africa (7 kids from 6 mos – 17 ) our church sponsors about 35 books for Christmas. They had never owned their own books and were so excited.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Norah Post author

      What a wonderful gift, Patricia. A gift of books is gift of education. It has the power to lift people up. I can just imagine how excited they would be to be gifted books of their own. Any day can be a book giving day (in my books). 😊💖


        1. Norah Post author

          Thanks for sharing, Pete. I have seen that one too, now that you mention it. It’s also very cute. I didn’t know it was the original. Sometimes books are published with different covers, and even different titles, in different countries.

          Liked by 1 person


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