For one day International Day of Friendship

For one day: International Day of Friendship

Carrot Ranch flash fiction challenge - for one day

This week at the Carrot Ranch, Charli Mills challenged writers to In 99 words (no more, no less) write a story that includes the phrase “for one day.” The words single out a special occurrence. What is the emotion and vibe, where does it take place and why? Go where the prompt leads!

For more than one day, I have thought about what to write. I was drawn by the theme of empathy, of walking in someone else’s shoes, of being able to see oneself through the eyes of another, or of having the opportunity to heal past wounds, for one day. But I couldn’t quite get it. It was elusive, until I came across this video of Chris Rosati.

Chris Rosati decided that what he wanted to do most with his life was spread kindness. It led me to consider what the world might be like if, for one day, everyone of us, wherever we are, put aside our differences and spread kindness. Perhaps then, we wouldn’t need to walk in the shoes of another, see ourselves as others see us, or heal old wounds. Kindness would prevail.


It started slowly. First an outbreak in a school in central Australia, barely newsworthy. Then another in South America. A post on social media drew a few views but was largely ignored. When a third occurred in Western Europe, reports flooded news services. Soon, small isolated pockets erupted on every continent, and they multiplied and spread. The touch of a hand, a pat on a shoulder, the nod of a head, a brush of lips, the trace of a smile; all were infectious. The contagion was rampant. Random acts of kindness proliferated, and unbridled bursts of joy exploded everywhere.

A bit too Pollyanna? Maybe. But wouldn’t it be wonderful? And since today, 30 July, is International Day of Friendship, it’s totally appropriate.

Teaching friendship skills was always a big part of my classroom practice and many of the lessons I develop for the readilearn collection of teaching resources for the first three years of school also focus on the development of friendship skills; including:

busy bees ABC of friendship

Busy Bees ABC of Friendship

friendship superhero posters

Friendship Superpower posters

Getting to know you surveys 1

Getting to know you surveys

Extend the hand of friendship

Extend the hand of friendship

how to make a friendship tree

How to make a friendship tree



Happy International Day of Friendship to all my friends. Thank you for bringing joy to my life.

If friends were flowers I'd pick you

Thank you blog post

Thank you for reading. I appreciate your feedback. Please share your thoughts.



48 thoughts on “For one day: International Day of Friendship

  1. roughwighting

    Your 99-word thoughts on “one day” gave me shivers of hope. I think we should spread this around the world!!! Loved it, and love all of your resources on friendship. Actually, that’s the theme of my upcoming picture book (I’m not doing a promo here, just mentioning cause it’s apropos)- FRIENDSHIP is the way that MOLLY FINDS HER PURR. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: For One Day « Carrot Ranch Literary Community

  3. Charli Mills

    That Chris Rosati video is powerfully moving! That is a person who came face to face with dying and decided to live! I love your version of a pandemic. I found your 99 words hopeful and inspiring. I think you should share your story with the Rosati’s foundation!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Norah Post author

      I agree, Charli. Chris Rosati’s story is inspiring. What a legacy to leave. Impressive. I’m pleased you found my 99 words to be hopeful and inspiring. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Anne Goodwin (Annecdotist)

    If hatred can spread virally, why not kindness too? It’s not the same thing but it makes me think of the school strike for the climate.

    I catch a few of these international days, but missed this one on friendship. Thanks for flagging it and celebrating it in your flash.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Norah Post author

      Thanks, Anne. I think it’s a great day to celebrate. It’s hard to catch them all. There are so many. This year is the first time I’ve caught this one too. 🙂


  5. Jacqui Murray

    I’ve noticed that a lot of kids don’t know how to reach out in kindness to another. This sort of day–that makes it almost required–gives them permission and lets them see it’s not so hard.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Norah Post author

      You’re right, Jacqui. I think some of us are frightened of reaching out in case we’re rejected. But once we make the move, it all becomes a lot easier and happiness flows.


  6. Erica/Erika

    Hi Norah, The word “kindness” seems to be appearing everywhere for me this year. Possibly, as you say, “contagion was rampant.” If being Pollyanna is wrong, I don’t want to be right. Great post! Erica

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Norah Post author

      I’m so pleased the world is bringing you kindness, Erica/Erika. We can all do with a big bunch of that. Like you, I wouldn’t want to be right if Pollyanna is wrong either. Thanks for your lovely comment. 🙂 So kind. 🌻

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Jules

    I read the good news section of my computer everyday. Just some of the stories – A lady buys all the shoes in a store that’s closing to donate to those in need, A couple instead of gifts for their wedding ask for school supplies for a school in need. A Police station for about three days says you can pay your parking ticket in kind with pet food. … Maybe your epidemic is really here?

    Liked by 3 people

  8. thecontentedcrafter

    We can never overdose on Pollyanna can we? The impulse behind this little story is profound and I for one think it would be truly amazing! They say just 10% have to commit to something for it to become a measurable reality in the world and if those 10% stay committed it fires up the hundredth monkey syndrome and everyone is doing it……..

    Liked by 2 people


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