Learning At Its Best

If you have been following my blog you will know that I have certain misgivings about traditional styles of education. That’s not to say that I don’t have certain misgivings about alternative styles of education as well, for I do. It was these collective misgivings that led me to home educate my daughter in her early years while attempting to establish an alternative school that met my expectations.

In researching programs on offer in many traditional and alternative schooling environments, I read a lot of school descriptions, policy and philosophy statements. I usually find there is little to argue with in these statements, it is usually the way the beliefs are translated into practice with which I have difficulty.

Occasionally I read something about a school that really excites me and I think “Wow, this school has really got it all together: philosophy and pedagogy. Children and their learning needs are at the centre of this organisation.”

Recently I read a description that made me wish I was six years old again and enrolled to start my schooling there.

According to the article it is
“Learning at its best . . . where the MAGIC happens” and describes a “Disney World – only better”, where
• Imagination can prosper
• Friendship and freedom of speech is fostered
• Conflict resolution skills are developed
• Active and open listening is encouraged
Among other things, it has:
• a creativity corner
• a nature reserve
• a dramatic play area

Why don’t I just let you read the article that fired my imagination, then you can let me know what you think . . .


.. Is where the MAGIC happens.

Given my interest in all things children, education and teaching, being lucky enough to have a tour of Miss Charlie’s classroom was like getting a private and personalized tour of Disney World – only better!

Her class, and the rest of the Junior School (Kindy, Year 1 & 2), share newly renovated and connected federation houses in one part of the campus. Here they have their own tennis courts, play grounds, rooftop gardens, a junior library and even a secret corridor connecting them to the main gym and swimming pools and on to the rest of the school. It’s rather impressive, even if I say so myself.

What really amazed me, and made me want to never leave (I’m not joking, I might have to apply for a teaching job there ASAP), was the open planned piazza that connects the junior school classrooms. This…

View original post 616 more words

4 thoughts on “Learning At Its Best

  1. Bec

    What a wonderful school, it sounds like so much fun. I wish all children could have access to facilities like these! It reminds me of Bunyaville Environmental Education Centre – a fun setting to encourage children to learn through play.


      1. Bec

        Hi Nor, Bunyaville is where I did my industrial placement during my undergrad, in North Brisbane. They were (are still, I am sure) a great team, very passionate and dedicated.



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