Mud Cake Recipe #flashfiction

This week at the Carrot Ranch, Charli Mills challenged writers to In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story embraces the mud. What is the mud, real or metaphor? How does it transform a character or place? What happens? Go where the prompt leads!

As you probably already know, as an educator, I primarily write for and about children. Mud is perfect for young children. It has such a great texture for play and responds in so many ways when we squish it, splatter it, stomp it, throw it, roll in it. There is something enticing about getting wet and dirty, and children seem to find puddles and mud totally irresistible. I hope I’ve captured a little of that excitement in my flash.

Mud Cake Recipe

How to Make Mud Cake


A patch of loose soil

A generous supply of water from the sky, hose or bucket

Rays of sunlight

A sprinkle of imagination

A torrent of laughter




Add enough water to soak the soil. It must be wet, not moist.

Stomp until well-mixed with no visible remnants of dry soil.

Squish the mush by hand until the hands are completely encased.

Spread by hand the gooey mixture over face, hair and clothing until well covered.

Terrorise the neighbourhood.

Leave in place until dry in the sun and the mud cakes.

Thank you blog post

Thank you for reading. I appreciate your feedback. Please share your thoughts.

68 thoughts on “Mud Cake Recipe #flashfiction

  1. Pingback: Embrace the Mud « Carrot Ranch Literary Community

  2. Pingback: A Muddy Conclusion #flashfiction | Norah Colvin

  3. Pingback: Norah Colvin @ Readilearn (Priorhouse Interview) – priorhouse blog

  4. Prior...

    my favorite line was
    “Squish the mush by hand until the hands are completely encased”
    because it is such a celebration of being able to fully get into the mud and feel it and really use the heads and get downright dirty

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Prior...

        Yes – and your editing or care always shows in your work.
        Well it doesn’t show per se
        But because I did flash fiction for a few years I know what goes into a dense and good-flowing work! I can also
        Sometimes tell when someone doesn’t edit much – but to say their own

        Liked by 1 person

          1. Prior...

            Oh Norah – I know – those little errors or typos sneak in.
            And quick question – have you published a children’s book yet? I think it came up in your interview commments – so I was curious if this was a goal reached or still on the “to do” list ?

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Norah Post author

              Thanks for your understanding about typos, Yvette. I’d love to banish them for good.
              Robbie commented on your post that I had a number of little picture books published and that is true. They are little texts for beginning readers that are published by Library For All – stories I donated to the wonderful organisation. I am very proud to have them published and am delighted to be able to support such a great organisation in this way. I have also had some stories published in anthologies. However, I have not yet achieved my goal of having a picture book published by a traditional publisher. That’s still on my wish list, but it seems to be becoming more and more unlikely every day. (That’s the funk talking.) But I haven’t given up – yet. 🙂 Thanks for asking. I hope my answer is clear.

              Liked by 1 person

              1. Prior...

                That was very clear and I knew about the library for all resources – and anthology collections
                – and maybe for your picture book you should self-publish – it are you not into that idea?
                It might be the ideal next step –

                Liked by 1 person

                1. Norah Post author

                  A few others have suggested self-publishing also, Yvette. But I’m not inclined to go that way. I figure I’ve done that with my website and would like a traditional publisher, if I’m ever that lucky, for a picture book.

                  Liked by 1 person

                    1. Norah Post author

                      I won’t have changed my mind about self-publishing a picture book. I have no intention of doing that. The more likely thing would be that I decided finding a traditional publisher was also unrealistic.

                      Liked by 1 person

                  1. Prior...

                    And one more note – I think there is a myth that a traditional publisher is better – a myth that a traditional publisher validates the author as more qualified
                    And just yesterday was listening to the joe Rogan podcast – not sure if you know the name – but he is an everyday guy with a very popular podcast – and he interviewed a lady named ” ”
                    And part of what they talked about had to do with acting jobs and rejections and then comedy jobs and how much easier it is for a comedian to
                    Practice their craft and get experience and flow and grow – because they can do open microphone night and find ways to get “in”
                    In contrast – rogan noted that to act – one has to be chosen – to be selected – and so often it is who knows who
                    Like the madonna’s hair dresser from the 1980s played a good part in “men in black” (sugar water lady)
                    So my point is she was chosen all right – but was it training and good acting that got her in? Nope – and maybe they trained her on set but not sure this hairdresser was the most stellar stage actor / but she was chosen
                    She was selected and Madonna had a lot to do with it
                    Similarly – book publishing can be similar
                    To be chosen or selected is so hard
                    And another example is a book i read last month – the author is Gretchen Rubin and she had other bestsellers and this one was about type (I am going to share about it briefly this weekend so I will link you) anyhow – found out she was an employee on staff for Sandra Day Oconner (Supreme Court) and wanted to change fields – anyhow – I am sure her stellar resume and connections led to book deals – not taking anything away from her content and credit tho – because maybe she hustled and just wrote some great content
                    But my point is that we cannot diminish the value of self publishing and in this world of being chosen or have money to get a publisher to sign you up – it leaves a lot of good authors out of the loop

                    Now of course some self publishing sucks
                    I recently reviewed a few that were lackluster – but also the beauty was that they were getting it done – they were getting material out there – maybe like seeing a confidant on their third open mic night.
                    So anyhow – in my very humble Opinion I think you should ponder this and get going on your book!
                    It could be resource number 500 on readilearn


                    1. Norah Post author

                      Hi Yvette, Thank you so much for your encouragement. I appreciate it. I don’t know either the podcaster or the author you mention, but I have heard stories like that before. However, I have decided self-publishing a picture book is not something I want to do. I want the support of others for this journey. I have done a lot of projects on my own, but this is not one I wish to do. I have considered self-publishing other books and may do at some stage if I find I have completed all other projects I rate more highly.
                      I agree with you about self-publishing. There are many wonderful authors self-publishing and if they didn’t do so, we’d never get to read their work. I admire them but I don’t wish to join their ranks.
                      As for being #500 on readilearn. I have already published quite a few stories on there as part of the collection of resources. 🙂
                      Thank you again for your support and encouragement.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    1. Norah Post author

                      I think I’ve probably read Miriam’s post.
                      Thanks for the link to Darley Anderson’s blog. I’ve now followed her.
                      I do know a lot of self-published picture book authors. It’s a lot of work for them. It will be a lot of work if I am lucky enough to score a traditional publisher, but not as much as it would be if I went it alone.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    2. Prior...

                      Yeah – you could be right about the potentially less work load of a publisher – and they might have a team of folks that can help –
                      On a side note – do you mind if I mention our mini chat about this in my next post? The self pub vs the connecting with a publisher ? Because Jacqui Murray (so?) also recently posted a nice humorous checklist about self pub
                      And I am getting ready to feature ferries interview and would love to open with a bit of note about this chat topic ?

                      Liked by 1 person

                    3. Norah Post author

                      Hi again, Yvette,
                      I was intending to reblog your interview but you don’t have a reblog button – only a press this, which doesn’t work quite as well. Would you prefer I do, or do not, share your post?

                      Liked by 1 person

                    4. Norah Post author

                      Okay. I’ll give it a go, maybe on the weekend, now that this week has slipped away from me.
                      I’m sorry you think I don’t want to discuss picture books. I love discussing them. I’ve just made up my mind about how I want to be published or not. I’m always happy to hear other suggestions. If someone wants to do it for me, I’d be so happy. 🙂

                      Liked by 1 person

                    5. Prior...

                      Got it!
                      And I have enjoyed touching base on this topic and so thanks for the time with it

                      The week has slipped away from me too – and cannot believe it is almost the weekend – ⏰


  5. pedometergeek

    Yummy, Norah. Did you ever read The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis? I think this is the right book in the series (Chronicles of Narnia). Lucy sees the one of the kinds of soil that looks tasty (loam?) and tries it, but decides it looks better than it tastes. I suspect your recipe is kind of like that. On the other hand, some of the first antibiotics (streptomycin and lincocin) were discovered in soil so…maybe??? ~nan.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Norah Post author

      Thanks, Nan. Perhaps.
      I did read the book but it was a long time ago and I don’t remember the scene, but it does seem vaguely familiar now that you mention it.


    1. Norah Post author

      Thanks, Anne. I think the kids are allowed to have fun before they grow vegetables. As long as they’re not digging up the vegie beds – I think I wrote that one before. 🤣

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Norah Post author

      I’m pleased you enjoyed it, Pete. Muddy handprints don’t go well on painted walls and fences, or beautiful clothes. It’s a good thing it washes off and out okay. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


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