New Books by Norah Colvin at Library For All – #readilearn

This week I received a surprise in the post that I just had to share with you. I received printed copies of 8 beginner readers, all written by me, that have recently been added to the Library For All collection. One of them has even been translated into Tetum, an Austronesian language spoken on the island of Timor that is an official language of East Timor.

While I knew the books were in production, I didn’t realise they were published, so receiving the package was a wonderful surprise. I am absolutely delighted to be able to support the work of Library For All by donating these stories to them. In addition to these eight, two other titles were published in 2019, and there are an additional four titles recently published for which I have not yet received printed copies.

While the entire collection of digital books is available to download free from Library For All through a free Android app, the purchase of printed books from the collection helps to support the work of Library For All.

I first introduced you to  the wonderful work of  Library For All in the post Library For All — A Force for Equality through Literacy. You are welcome to find out more by heading back to the post or exploring their website.

Briefly, Library For All is an Australian not for profit organisation with a mission to “make knowledge accessible to all, equally” through a digital library of books that is available free to anyone anywhere in the world. The focus is on providing high quality, engaging, age appropriate and culturally relevant books to children in developing countries and remote areas.

Printed copies are also available and catalogues of titles can be browsed in the shop.

My titles can be found on my Amazon Author page.

Continue reading: New Books by Norah Colvin at Library For All – readilearn

45 thoughts on “New Books by Norah Colvin at Library For All – #readilearn

      1. singlikewildflowers

        My pleasure!! Literacy is essential and to have fun while learning are the best. I have a deeper appreciation for teaching literacy as I’m in the thick of it homeschooling my kids. Also, I see how hard literacy is for immigrants in my Korean community and the limitations they face in daily matters.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Norah Post author

          I know what you mean. Being literate is essential to participate fully in all that life requires of us. Let me know if I can support your teaching in any way.


          1. singlikewildflowers

            Thank you Norah for your kind comment. I’ll definitely reach out if I need ideas or support in my homeschool teaching. It’s a lot of experimentation, improvisation, and going with the flow (very reluctantly at times).
            Take care and have a great weekend. 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

          1. calmkate

            ah so they have their own, interesting. When you’d written so much I thought you might be working in collaboration with an artist. But this means different artists illustrate your books so there would be variety, neat idea!

            Liked by 1 person

    1. Norah Post author

      Thank you, Jacqui. These are stories I wrote and donated to the publisher Library For All. They make they digital versions available free to everyone everywhere via the app. I guess there is a cost involved if people want paper copies, so that’s why they cost, but all the money returns to Library For All. I get no payment or royalties. I’m happy to support this wonderful organisation in this small way.

      Liked by 1 person


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