February days to celebrate in the classroom

A Handful of February Celebrations – #readilearn

February is packed full of days to celebrate. The next few days are no exception. Here at readilearn, we support your celebrations with suggestions and lessons ready to teach.

Chinese New Year

Today 12 February is celebrated around the world as Chinese New Year. While the New Year celebrations may continue for up to sixteen days, today is the main day and it ushers in the Year of the Ox. Chinese New Year is a time for families to be, and celebrate, together.

Chinese New Year classroom resources

These resources are always free:

Let’s read about Chinese New Year

Celebrating Chinese New Year in the early childhood classroom

Happy Chinese New Year bookmarks

Other dates include Valentines’ Day, Library Lovers’ Day and Book Giving Day.

Continue reading: A Handful of February Celebrations – readilearn

18 thoughts on “A Handful of February Celebrations – #readilearn

          1. srbottch

            There is nothing better than a freshly baked pizza but we keep a frozen one on hand for a last minute meal. I’m surprised how good it is. Also, with this COVID, we’re careful to avoid restaurants and/or takeouts. Have a great day, Norah!

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Norah Post author

              Thanks, Steve. You have a great day/week too.
              Hopefully, you’ll feel more confident about going out again after the vaccinations have been rolled out.


    1. Norah Post author

      I didn’t know about Losar, Kate. It sounds fun for those celebrating. Thanks for alerting me to it.
      We still remember our parents and their birthdays, long after they are gone. You have an extra reminder with the festival.

      Liked by 1 person


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