Sugar and Snails by Anne Goodwin free ebook

Sugar and Snails by Anne Goodwin #free ebook

I am absolutely delighted to invite Anne Goodwin back to my blog today. It is just over five years ago that her debut novel Sugar and Snails was published by Inspired Quill and I had the pleasure of her joining me to discuss the importance friendships — in person, virtual and in her novel.

At the time I had known Anne (virtually) for two years, but we’d also had the pleasure of meeting up in London (briefly) the year before when she revealed the (then still secret) book contract. I am honoured to count her as a friend.

My admiration for and enjoyment of Anne’s writing has only increased over the years. Since then, she has had another novel published and the publication of a third is imminent. I’ve lost count (she hasn’t) of the number of short stories she has published.

If you haven’t yet ventured into Anne’s writing, then now is the perfect time. During February, you can read the ebook of Sugar and Snails free. What a wonderful opportunity to get to know this amazing author.

Here is the link to sign up to this generous offer which closes on 28 February: 

About Anne

Anne Goodwin is the author of two novels and a short story collection. Her debut novel, Sugar and Snails, about a woman who has kept her past identity a secret for thirty years, was shortlisted for the 2016 Polari First Book Prize. Throughout February, subscribers to her newsletter can read Sugar and Snails for free: 

About Sugar and Snails

At fifteen, she made a life-changing decision. Thirty years on, it’s time to make another.

When Diana escaped her misfit childhood, she thought she’d chosen the easier path. But the past lingers on, etched beneath her skin, and life won’t be worth living if her secret gets out.

As an adult, she’s kept other people at a distance… until Simon sweeps in on a cloud of promise and possibility. But his work is taking him to Cairo, the city that transformed her life. She’ll lose Simon if she doesn’t join him. She’ll lose herself if she does.

Sugar and Snails charts Diana’s unusual journey, revealing the scars from her fight to be true to herself. A triumphant mid-life coming-of-age story about bridging the gap between who we are and who we feel we ought to be.

If you need a little more enticement, please view the trailer:

Find out more about Anne, or connect with her on social media via any of the links below:


Twitter @Annecdotist.

Link tree

Amazon author page:

Listen to Anne read

You may enjoy listening to Anne read excerpts of her stories on her YouTube channel:

Anne Goodwin’s YouTube channel

Including this excerpt of Diana’s earliest memory from Sugar and Snails.

Remember, to get your free Sugar and Snails ebook throughout the month of February, all you need to do is click this link and sign up to Anne’s newsletter.

Thank you blog post

Thank you for reading. I appreciate your feedback. Please share your thoughts.

71 thoughts on “Sugar and Snails by Anne Goodwin #free ebook

  1. Pingback: February #Story Chat: “A Postcard from the Past” @annecdotist @charli_mills @shiftnshake – Marsha Ingrao – Always Write

          1. calmkate

            I know the rhyme well and thought it was about boy/girl matters but as I worked years with incest and peodophile issues I always think the worst! Many more suffer in this manner to some extent and never report it …

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Anne Goodwin

              Nothing like that, fortunately. One reader told me that until she got to the reveal she thought it was about FGM – which gave me an idea for another book, not yet written. I know what you mean, though, when you work with childhood trauma there’s always that suspicion – which is good in a way given, as you say, how often it goes unreported.

              Liked by 2 people

      1. Msdedeng

        That’s a bummer! the title triggers imagination, at least for me. For one, “Sugar” is sweetness, happiness, and is loved by most. And then you have “snails” and the mind comes to a standstill: how is sugar connected to snails, one may ask. Before long, the mind is full of curiosity and wants to find out the “odd” connection between the two. That’s what the title of the book does to me. 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Norah Post author

          I think that’s exactly what Anne hoped to achieve with the title, Angela.
          For me it also has other connotations. There is an old children’s rhyme with which you may not be familiar. It goes like this:
          What are little girls made of? Sugar and spice and all that’s nice.
          What are little boys made of? Snips and snails and puppy dog tails.
          You might just have to read Anne’s book to find out what she intended. 🙂

          Liked by 2 people

            1. Norah Post author

              I think we might too, Anne, but I couldn’t remember the words and when I searched for it, all I came up with was ‘snips’, which didn’t sound familiar and I wasn’t sure I liked the connotation but I had nothing else to go on at the time.



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