November days to celebrate in the classroom

Special Days and Events for Classroom Celebrations — November – #readilearn

It’s November already and we’re starting the countdown to the end of the year, but there are many more things to celebrate before we welcome in the new year.

The month starts off in a wonderful way by celebrating reading with Australia Reads from 1 – 12 November. I don’t think there can ever be too many days to celebrate reading, literacy and literature.

The Australia Reads Kids digital event on Monday 9 November at 10.30 am is free for all Australian schools. For other events, including interviews with authors and digital story readings, check out this list. Events most days. The site also has some suggestions of great books for children at different year levels.

The week culminates on 12 November with the Reading Hour, when everyone is asked to drop everything and read! What a great excuse to spend more time reading and sharing the love of literature. You can read to yourself or read to the children.

You can join up at the Australia Reads website to take the pledge too (and even make your own logo, as I did):

“I will read for an hour on Thursday 12 November.
I will read books in any shape, form or size.
I will read, whether with bumps, letters, pictures, sound.
I will read to myself or someone else.”

Outdoor Classroom Day on 5 November is a perfect time for taking children outdoors to learn and explore. The day is “a global campaign to celebrate and inspire outdoor learning and play.” This year’s theme is Love the Outdoors.

Continue reading: Special Days and Events for Classroom Celebrations — November – readilearn

26 thoughts on “Special Days and Events for Classroom Celebrations — November – #readilearn

  1. Erica/Erika

    It is always fun and I am curious about the goings-on across the ocean from me. I have not heard about a specific reading hour here. Yet, always good to make reading fun. I see how Remembrance Day is observed in many countries around the world. My eyes did gravitate to “World Toilet Day.” A good reminder to everyone how many places in the world do not have access to something we take for granted. A very interesting post, as always, Norah.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Patricia Tilton

    Wow, a full month devoted to reading. Have a great time participating! In the US, we have National Read Across America Day, which is celebrated on March 2nd, the birthday of Dr. Seuss. Or close to it. But it is just one big day. I’m sure it is strung out. Think things will look different this year, though with the rising cases of COVID here. Everything will be virtual.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Norah Post author

      I don’t think there can ever be too many ways to encourage children to read, and I know you agree with that, Patricia.
      I know what you mean about virtual celebrations. Fingers crossed for an end to this pandemic soon.


    1. Norah Post author

      Remembrance Day is included in the original post, Kate. How could I leave it out? When posts are reblogged like this, only the first few paragraphs are included. You need to go to the original post for the full list. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


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