May - special days and events to celebrate in the classroom

Special Days and Events for Classroom Celebrations — May – #readilearn

May is almost upon us so I’ve put together a list of days and events that you may like to celebrate whether you are teaching in the classroom, online or at home.

Before I present the list though, I’d like to let you know that readilearn interactive lessons, of which there are over 70, are ready for you to teach in any of those circumstances in which you find yourself. While they were designed to use on the interactive whiteboard in the classroom, you can use them if you are teaching online using screen sharing software such as Zoom. I’ve made a video to explain.

Now let’s check out these days to celebrate in May. You may read them below or download the free list here.

World Laughter Day is celebrated on the first Sunday in May, which is the 3rd this year. There is no denying that we could all do with a little more laughter in our lives. While we may not be able to gather together to laugh in large groups this year, there are still many ways we can find to add laughter to our day. We could have a laughter get-together online, watch a funny movie or videos of comedians. What will make you laugh on World Laughter Day?

Continue reading: Special Days and Events for Classroom Celebrations — May – readilearn

24 thoughts on “Special Days and Events for Classroom Celebrations — May – #readilearn

  1. Erica/Erika

    Your site is exceptionally helpful, Norah, always and especially in today’s world. First time I have heard of World Laughter Day. Great! Reading through the comments, I see some of the restrictions may be lifted soon for you. I am happy to hear that. We are still in a hold pattern, yet not going downhill. Hope all is well.🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Norah Post author

      I’m so pleased you find the suggestions helpful, Erica. That is my aim. World Laughter Day is much needed at the moment, I think. I’m looking forward to having a few laughs myself. 🙂
      I hope everyone is responsible when the restrictions are eased (not lifted) and that they don’t have to be installed again. It wasn’t for as long as we initially thought, so that is good. Stay safe and well. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Prior...

    what a great resource for folks to use – and making the video was a great idea –
    and hope you are well Norah.
    Things here are find. I am so ready for this month to end…. welcome May

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Norah Post author

      It’s so lovely to hear from you, Yvette. I’m pleased you are doing well. I’m doing well over here too. I hope May is a better month for you. Some of our restrictions are being lifted come this weekend. That will be nice.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Prior...

        Oh so glad to hear about the restrictionD being lifted – and April was not really a bad month at all- actually good for many things – feel grateful in so many ways – but it sure has been a long month – have that cabin fever on some days – and want to see my family up north in Canada and will go there once they let folks come and go…
        So I hope it did not sound like I was complaining too much-

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Norah Post author

          Canada is something to look forward to, Yvette. Like you, I have much to be grateful for too. I am looking forward to seeing my family in person again, but I’d rather us all stay healthy for now. Interesting times in many ways. Stay happy and safe.

          Liked by 1 person

    1. Norah Post author

      Versatility is good. I’d never planned on the resources being used for online teaching. But few of us planned for online teaching. 🙂


  3. Jules

    Good time to look into ways to celebrate via the web. As our schools have been shuttered for the rest of this school year. I hope many are able to use your resources. We were hoping on some re-openings in May, but our Governor has some formula, which we are not near meeting at this time…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Norah Post author

      I think it’s better to be safe than risk a second wave by opening up too soon, Jules. We are having some restrictions lifted this weekend. I hope everyone stays sensible and safe.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Jules

        Unfortunately… only time will tell ~ the shuttering has been very hard on the homeless, small businesses and those who professionals who are in the thick of it.

        We can only hope for speedy and accurate solutions. ((Hugs))

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Norah Post author

          Yes. We will never know what may have happened. There’s no parallel universe to test things out. ‘We’ just have to make the best decision we can with the information we’ve got and go with it.

          Liked by 1 person


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