author Dimity Powell discusses her picture book Pippa

Fly away with Pippa and her author Dimity Powell – reblogged from readilearn

Have you ever wished you could fly? Or perhaps wished for a chance to explore but were held back by rules and restrictions?

I always thought it would be marvellous to be a bird, soaring above the earth, looking down upon its beauty. Oh, the freedom it would bring. Looking out at the world from a plane’s window is, for me, the nearest thing. But for Dimity Powell’s latest endearing character Pippa, flight is a reality.

About Pippa

You see, Pippa is a pigeon, and, like all pigeons, Pippa was born to fly. She wants nothing more than to spread her wings and go exploring. However, her parents aren’t sure she’s ready and fill her head with fears and days with restrictions to keep her close at home. It works for a while. But, one day when her parents are otherwise occupied, Pippa discovers she can fly, and that’s where her adventures, explorations and discoveries begin.

Pippa is a delightful new picture book that is bound to win hearts and spread joy. Award-winning author Dimity Powell describes her book thus:

Pippa is a light-hearted adventure tale about striking out alone, following your dreams and desires and experiencing what it’s like when you get there. It is a tale that acknowledges the sometimes-suffocating affection parents have for their offspring, which can temper and frustrate a child’s sense of freedom and adventure, and suggests that it’s okay to take risks from time to time. Although the adventure may be perilous, it is still worth experiencing for you never know what glorious discoveries lie ahead.

Pippa is small, determined, stubborn, and wilful, just like many other six-year-olds. And, like many youngsters who’ve wanted more than they can handle, when she finally does return to her flock, she realises that when it comes to true security and contentment, it’s family that matter most.”

About Dimity Powell

I previously introduced Dimity to you in her popular guest post Libraries: A wonderous universe to explore and in an interview about her  picture book At the End of Holyrood Lane for which she was recently awarded the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators’ Crystal Kite Members’ Choice 2019 Award, Australia and New Zealand region.

Dimity likes to fill every spare moment with words. She writes and reviews stories exclusively for kids and is the Managing Editor for Kids’ Book Review. Her word webs appear in anthologies, school magazines, junior novels, as creative digital content, and picture books including The Fix-It Man (2017), At The End of Holyrood Lane (2018) and Pippa (2019) with more to follow in 2020 and beyond.

She is a seasoned presenter both in Australia and overseas, an accredited Write Like An Author facilitator and a Books in Homes Role Model Volunteer in Australia.

Dimity believes picture books are soul food, to be consumed at least 10 times a week. If these aren’t available, she’ll settle for ice-cream. She lives just around the corner from Bat Man on the Gold Coast although she still prefers hanging out in libraries than with superheroes.

Dimity’s inspiration for writing about Pippa

Continue reading: Fly away with Pippa and her author Dimity Powell – readilearn

39 thoughts on “Fly away with Pippa and her author Dimity Powell – reblogged from readilearn

  1. Green Global Trek

    This looks like a wonderful book with a great theme and central star Pippa. I have had a few dreams in which I am flying like a bird, with huge wings, free and soaring, so I certainly relate to the theme. I have always had a love for good children’s books and it was the one thing I spent tons of $ on when my children were little.


    Liked by 2 people

    1. Norah Post author

      Thanks for popping in with your lovely comment, Peta. I think there are many of us who dream of flying, and just as many who spend oodles of money on children’s books. 🙂


    1. Dimity Powell

      Thank you Jennie, I am deeply touched to hear this from you…et al in fact. Would you permit me to re-quote your encouraging comment, please? Dimity

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Annika Perry

    Norah, so many birds flying around and sharing their stories in children’s books.😀 Pippa sounds adorable, exciting and full of wisdom. I love the name alone and am touched by the storyline.

    Thank you for this terrific introduction to Dimity Powell and all her work!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Dimity Powell

      Thank you Annika. I hope this is the start of even more exciting picture books for children. They are my passion, not just creating them, but sharing and discovering new stories with children for children within. Enjoy!

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Norah Post author

      Thank you so much for your wishes for this book, Anne. I think it has strong messages for both children and parents – an important and powerful read in that respect.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. calmkate

    sounds like a fun book and adventure 🙂

    … sadly not all homes/families offer security let alone contentment.
    But being prepared to take risks and follow one’s own dreams is essential 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Dimity Powell

      That is so true, Kate. Finding the courage within to tackle and take on any situation is key. I hope children find this valuable behind the fun.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Dimity Powell

    So grateful to be able to land here with you again, Norah and Pippa! She is quite the thing with the littlies as it turns out. I hope she continues to find joy aloft! Best wishes, Dimity

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Norah Post author

      Thank you, Susan. Many of us share the dream of flight. I asked my grandchildren yesterday which one ability they don’t have, they would like to have, and my grandson immediately said that he’d love to fly. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


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