stories for discussing individual differences, diversity, inclusion, friendship

Celebrating individuals in your classroom using stories – Readilearn

While a classroom is filled with a group of unique individuals, it can be easy sometimes to get caught up in treating them as one, with one set of needs, expectations and rules. Everybody do this, everybody do that—a bit like Simon Says but not always as much fun.

It is useful to pause sometimes and celebrate the uniqueness of individuals in your class.

International Children’s Book Day and Hans Christian Andersen‘s birthday on 2 April provide excellent excuses for reading and celebrating children’s literature, as if we needed any. We can also find stories that help us celebrate individuality.

The Ugly Duckling Hans Christian Andersen

Hans Christian Andersen was a prolific writer of fairy tales, many of which are well-known and have been made into movies. One of my favourite films as a child was about Hans Christian Anderson with Danny Kaye in the lead role. I was particularly touched by the story of The Ugly Duckling which Andersen told to a sad young boy whom no one would play with. You can watch the scene here.

The story is a great starting point for discussing individual differences,

Continue reading: #readilearn: Celebrating individuals in your classroom using stories – Readilearn

2 thoughts on “Celebrating individuals in your classroom using stories – Readilearn

  1. Mabel Kwong

    I read this post on Readilearn with a lot of interest. I agree with what you said to Tina in the comments, that teaching shouldn’t be a chore – just like how learning shouldn’t be made to feel like a chore. Really like the message of Narelle Oliver’s book. Sure there is first, second and last but at the end of the day, we all get to the same place. To instigate discussion among children, I think it’s important everyone is given the opportunity to speak and if they are quiet, it doesn’t necessarily mean they don’t have anything to say – they may just be shy. When celebrating individuals, it’s worth remembering there are different personalities and hence different approaches 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Norah Post author

      Thanks for reading and commenting, Mabel. Everything you say is spot on. Some children are shy. I was always shy and reluctant to speak up in a group. I would get quite anxious if I thought I was to be called upon. Yes, there are many different personalities that require many different approaches.

      Liked by 1 person


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