Tag Archives: boredom

Waiting #99WordStories

This week at the Carrot Ranch, Charli Mills challenged writers to In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story about waiting. Where does this waiting take place? Does it have a past or a future outcome? Who is waiting and why? Go where the prompt leads!

For my response, I have tried to show that the waiting can feel different from different perspectives. I’m not sure if I achieved that, but I hope my story doesn’t gross some of you lovely readers out like last week’s ‘flakes’ story. 😂😉

I’m Bored

“For Christmas,” said Mum.

“But it’s a looooong time,” said Jamie.

“Not long enough,” said Dad. “Only three more pay days.”

“Wait till you’re my age,” said Grandpa. “It’ll be gone in a blink.”

“But there’s nothing to do,” said Jamie.

“When I was your age,” said Grandpa. “we’d be out all day, playing until dark.”

“Mum won’t let me go anywhere. Dad says no screens until after dinner. It’s boring.”

“Tell you what, kiddo. How’s about you and me take a walk and do some exploring. What d’you say?”

“Can I, Mum?”

“Sure. It’ll do us all good.”

Thank you blog post

Thank you for reading. I appreciate your feedback. Please share you thoughts.

Note: The collection of stories made in response to the previous prompt Flakes, including my gross one, can be read at the Carrot Ranch.

And just to let you know that life is pretty hectic for me at the moment so I may not get to visit you as often as usual, but I’ll still be thinking of you and will visit as often as I can. Thanks for your understanding.