The Wish Penny #99WordStories

As many of you know, for the past several years, I have been participating in the weekly flash fiction challenges at the Carrot Ranch. The challenges have begun again with a few changes for 2022. I intend to continue responding to the prompts as often as I can. I hope many of you will join in too. Charli Mills, writer-extraordinaire and convener of the challenges, explains the new format in her first prompt post for 2022. Head over there to check out the details if you are interested in joining in future prompts.  

Charli’s prompt for this week was to In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story about “the wish I made.” Whose wish is it and how does it fit into the story? What kind of wish? Go where the prompt leads!

You can read all responses to the prompt in the collection at the Carrot Ranch when they are published each Wednesday. This week’s collection will be published next Wednesday 2 February.

For me, the prompt is an interesting coincidence as I’ve been working on a couple of stories about wish fairies (when I should be writing about a sorcerer’s apprentice — just can’t seem to get these prompts right). This story is nothing like the other stories I’m working on but relates to the warning ‘Be careful what you wish for.’ Spoiler alert — it doesn’t have a happy ending. I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.

The Wish Penny

Patsy was always wishing for something.

I wish I had a smaller nose.

— luxurious curls.

— a rainbow tutu.

And her wishes always came true. After all, she was a wish fairy.

As soon as one wish was fulfilled, she wished another.

I wish I had pearly white teeth.

— dainty feet.

— a diamond tiara.

I wish, I wish, I wish …

One day, Patsy found a shiny, round, brown object on the ground. She examined it, reading the word engraved, ‘Penny’.

I wish I was a Penny rather than a Patsy, she said; and rolled away silently in the dirt.

Okay. Didn’t like that one? What about this one?

The Wish Penny V2

Patsy was always wishing for something.

I wish I had a smaller nose.

— a warm coat.

— a pair of shoes.

But her wishes never came true. Why would they? There’s no such thing as magic.

But she never stopped wishing and hoping.

I wish I had clean clothes.

— something to eat.

— someone to love me.

One day, Patsy found a shiny, round, brown object on the ground. She examined it, reading the word engraved, ‘Penny’. As she rubbed it, she whispered, I wish I had someone to play with. Suddenly, she heard the children calling, ‘Patsy! Come and play!’

Thank you blog post

Thank you for reading. I appreciate your feedback. Please share your thoughts.

55 thoughts on “The Wish Penny #99WordStories

  1. Leanne

    There are so many stories with happy endings that the first one with less than ideal outcome is sometimes better. Nonetheless, both stories are the two sides of the same Penny, which is pretty darn great 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. ellenbest24

    Ahh Norah you first hit a sweet spot your second tickled my funny bone. Thank you for both. P.S. everyone should have food clean clothes and somewhere to sleep. 😪 I hope it comes true for all mankind. X

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Pingback: The Wish I Made Collection « Carrot Ranch Literary Community

    1. Norah Post author

      Thank you for your thoughtful comment, Anne. You got those characters the way I intended them. I hadn’t thought of getting children to discuss their wishes and positions. I think that’s a great idea. 👍💖

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Charli Mills

    Norah, you demonstrate a great depth of creative writing. In your first Wish, I laughed as Penny rolled away, caught up in her privilege to have so much she finally becomes foolish. Then, in your second, I felt the heartache of someone wishing for basic needs unmet. Thank you for your submission to the Collection at Carrot Ranch. It will publish Wednesday, February 2.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Norah Post author

      Thank you for your kind and encouraging words, Charli. You understood the messages I was aiming to share. I look forward to reading the collection. I have already read quite a few of the responses on the blogs of other writers. It will be interesting to see how you collate them. 💖


    1. Norah Post author

      Thanks, Hugh. It was a bit of a twist. I do like stories with a twist, but as a children’s author, I’m supposed to go for the happy ending.


      1. Hugh W. Roberts

        I sometimes write happy endings and trick my readers into not putting in a twist. The twist is still there, though, with them thinking there’s a twist coming. It’s nice to step outside of our comfort zones sometimes, Norah. You did a great job and had me wanting more stories from you like your first story.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Norah Post author

          I think I’ve been twist-tricked by you on more than one occasion, Hugh. 😅 It is good to step outside our comfort zone occasionally and I appreciate your encouragement to do so.

          Liked by 1 person

    1. Norah Post author

      Thanks, D. Yes, it’s good to be back. I actually wondered if I should post either of these trite pieces so I’m pleased to hear you say you enjoyed them. I’m also pleased I can post on my Sunday morning. At first I thought I’d have to post on the same day as my readilearn post which wouldn’t suit me at all.



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