interview with Brooke Graham author of Go Away, Worry Monster

Go Away, Worry Monster! — Interview with Brooke Graham #readilearn

It is not uncommon for children to experience some level of anxiety or worry when beginning a new school year or starting at a new school. Many adults experience it too when faced with a new situation. It is important to keep the worries in perspective to avoid having them grow uncontrollably until they take on monster proportions.

Today I am interviewing Brooke Graham, author of a beautiful new picture book called Go Away, Worry Monster! that is not only a tool for discussing these worries with children but also shares strategies they can use independently to chase those worry monsters away.

About the author Brooke Graham

Brooke Graham author of Go Away Worry Monster

Brooke Graham is a children’s author, primary school teacher and mother. She enjoys writing emotive stories that help children cope with life’s ups and downs. Brooke is a member of The Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI), The Australian Society of Authors, and Write Links, a Brisbane based writers’ group. Brooke teaches in primary schools part-time. She also does author visits in schools and kindergartens. In her spare time Brooke enjoys reading, bike riding, bush walking and spending time with family and friends.

About the book Go Away, Worry Monster!

Go Away Worry Monster, a picture book by Brooke Graham

Worry Monster loves ‘helping’ Archie worry, especially on the night before he starts at a new school. Archie feels so anxious that his head hurts, his tummy flutters and his heart pounds. He soon realizes that the only way to feel better is to make Worry Monster go away. He does his belly breaths and challenges his inner fears by facing facts, and Worry Monster is forced to leave Archie alone! Go Away, Worry Monster! gives children useful strategies to cope with their anxieties and stress, showing them how to make their own Worry Monsters leave, even in highly stressful times.

What I like about Go Away, Worry Monster!

Continue reading: Go Away, Worry Monster – Interview with Brooke Graham – readilearn

32 thoughts on “Go Away, Worry Monster! — Interview with Brooke Graham #readilearn

    1. Norah Post author

      I’m sure it would make an interesting study for someone interrogating literature, but I think there has been an increase in books that focus on socio-emotional development over the years. I’m not sure that anyone cared so much about our socio-emotional development when we were young, as long as we did what we told and got on with things. Perhaps a little harsh, but the change is definitely there, IMO.

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  1. Jennie

    Some of the first books I read as a preschool teacher were about monsters. “There’s a Nightmare in My Closet” and “There’s an Alligator Under My Bed.” These are the books children need to hear as opposed to much of what is written today. Thank you for introducing us to this book and author.

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    1. Norah Post author

      My pleasure, Jennie. I remember the Nightmare in my Closet too, but not the Alligator. I wonder if it was called something different here. It’s funny how they change the titles and covers from one country to another sometimes. Maybe it happens less now with many books available to purchase worldwide.

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  2. calmkate

    some Asian languages have no translation for this word ‘worry’ … it just doesn’t arise in their culture! They believe if you can do something about it act now, and if you can’t then move on. It’s very much a western issue and so glad it’s being addressed 🙂

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  3. Annika Perry

    Norah, what a beautiful and magical book! Brook I love the story and the illustrations are bewitching … this is a book my son and I would have loved when he was little and one he needed a lot then! A story relevant for adults and children alike … we just have to watch we don’t worry that monster into a ginormous size!

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