Every word counts #roughwriters #blogtour via @Annecdotist – annethology

The Congress of Rough Writers Anthology 1

Today my very own printed copy of the Congress of Rough writers’ Flash Fiction Anthology Vol 1, edited by Charli Mills, arrived in the post. How exciting! Have you got yours yet?

Anne Goodwin gives you all the details for purchasing in her contribution to the Rough Writer Tour Around the World.

Carrot ranch tour

Read Anne’s post to find out how she came to be one of the Rough Writers.: Every word counts #roughwriters #blogtour via @Annecdotist – annethology

11 thoughts on “Every word counts #roughwriters #blogtour via @Annecdotist – annethology

  1. D. Avery @shiftnshake

    My copy is on its way as we speak. I am pretty darn excited. It feels historical. And a seed that has finally germinated and sprouted and is just beginning to grow great branches. And a darn fine read. Yee Haw! I really am excited to see all you original buckaroos all dressed up.
    You’re big in it Buddy.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Norah Post author

      I have five more on the way for other readers – whether they want it or not! 🙂 Can’t wait. I was quite puzzled when my one little book arrived in a big box. 🙂
      It is historical. What an effort by everyone. Thanks, D.



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