#WATWB Thank you SES Volunteers

Susan Scott and Debby Gies have alerted me to a new blog hop that aims to spread light, rather than negativity, across the world.

I thought this was a great opportunity to acknowledge the very generous work of the SES (State Emergency Service). These volunteers work tirelessly to give support to those who are affected by disasters such as cyclones, storms, floods, landslides, you name it.

This week has seen many in Queensland and New South Wales suffer from the disastrous effects of Cyclone Debbie which has wreaked havoc down much of the eastern coastline of Australia.

The SES volunteers have been there to assist people as the weather unleashed its fury, and in its aftermath.

While I am one of the fortunate ones who have not required their services personally, I greatly value the assistance they provide to our communities, and recognise the light that their generosity spreads in the world. Our communities would struggle to cope without their services. I find it hard to believe that the essential services these amazing people provide is done voluntarily.

Thank you, SES Volunteers, one and all, for your enormous generosity.

Susan Scott says:
Please join us if you would like to, and spread the word by adding your own personal story or some other enlightening event. Let’s set about diluting/dissolving the negativity around the world and bringing in the light. This is the link.

29 thoughts on “#WATWB Thank you SES Volunteers

        1. Norah Post author

          As long as you’re not too dry! I spent a year in Wagga Wagga many many years ago – one of the best years of my life, educationally speaking. I attended Riverina CAE and did the most transformative study ever. Loved it!

          Liked by 1 person

  1. Susan Scott

    It’s wonderfully extraordinary how people are only too happy to help where and when they can. Good on the SES for going the extra mile! We have far too many fires & floods here in South Africa, and we have our heroes & heroines too. Thank you for highlight the good work of the SES Norah and for providing the link to the #WATWB.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Norah Post author

      Thank you, Susan. I was so pleased to have a platform in which I could express my gratitude. There are so many wonderful giving people worldwide who work tirelessly without a thought of fame or gratitude, often helping others when their own homes are also in danger. There are more of these than destructive ones, but the destruction gets the headlines. Perhaps we should put pressure on the media to ignore the bad and print only the good. Then we wouldn’t complain of copycats! I guess #WATWB is contributing to that goal.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. dgkaye

    Wonderful post in recognition of those who give aid Norah. Thanks for the mention, and wasn’t happy to hear they’ve chosen my name to give to that horrible cyclone. ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Patricia Tilton

    What a great idea. We need to focus on the positive — to keep the light shining during these interesting times. I really enjoyed your post. Excellent comments about SES. I didn’t realize there was a recent cyclone. Glad you didn’t have any problems. You are entering the fall, does that mean cyclone season?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Norah Post author

      Hi Patricia, Thank you for your support. Most cyclones occur during summer. We’ve had a long hot summer this year, and this dreadful cyclone was late in the season, long after the threat should have passed. It has caused widespread damage.

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  4. thecontentedcrafter

    Isn’t it amazing when we stop and look about, there they are – all the folk who should be in the news every day, doing good work and helping those in need. Not because of fortune and fame, but because that is what we are here for. A wonderful post Norah and you chose a most worthy group for us to focus on – thank you!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Norah Post author

      Thank you for your support, Pauline. How much nicer it would be if the media were to bring these nice things to our attention, rather than focusing on the horrible things that happen elsewhere. I’m sure a lot of it is copycat. (I’m talking about the little stuff, not the big stuff, though Heaven knows we can’t change that either.)

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Norah Post author

      Thank you for reading and supporting. Over 400 people have been rescued from flood waters by SES volunteers already. More floods are on their way.



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