Tag Archives: flash fiction winners

AND The 2020 Carrot Ranch Writing Rodeo’s Third Event Winner Is:

Pop over to Marsha’s blog to find out the winner of the third Carrot Ranch 2020 Flash Fiction Rodeo contest. You won’t find a story by me in this one as I didn’t enter. Why not? you ask.
‘Cause I was a judge.
I think you’ll agree all the writers did well to meet Marsha’s tough challenge. Congratulations to everyone who entered – especially to the winner!

Marsha Ingrao - Always Write

Today, I am proud to announce the winners of the Carrot Ranch’s 2020 Writing Rodeo Event #3 which I had the honor of organizing. Ten brave cowpokes saddled up, rustled up six words from the song “Git Along Little Dogies,” and lassoed them little dogies into a unique 99-word story in the genre of their choice.

The judges struggled to pick one over another story they were so doggoned good and so different. Surprise endings, funny, murderous, you would be entertained. Each and every one of the contestants should feel proud. They flexed their writing muscles into fingers of steel.

Everyone who participated is welcomed to display this badge on their website. You earned it!

Now, for our Writing Rodeo 2020 honorable mentions:

“McCall” written by Bill Engleson

“Just a Numbers Game” written byLiz Husebye Hartmann

“Walking the Canal Path” written bySusan Spitulnik

“Remarkable Ramblin’” written byJules…

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