Someplace Remote #99WordStories

When Charli Mills at the Carrot Ranch prompted writers to Write a story that features someplace remote in 99 words (no more, no less). It can be a wild sort of terrain or the distance between people. What is the impact of a remote place? Go where the prompt leads!, I thought it would be easy.

You see, I’ve visited remote places, I’ve holidayed in remote places, I’ve even lived in remote places. But none of these were the remote wilderness places that make wonderful settings for the excitement of adrenalin-pumping adventure stories. But maybe they could be if I wanted to set a story there?

Anyway, this is a combination of places I’ve been and teenagers I’ve known. I also tried to throw in a bit about names. I find it amusing when names fit the person’s personality or role in some way. I’ve also been amused (but only slightly) to see so many country boys named Angus (including cousins, so, sorry cus). I guess if Sandy was named after the soil where her mother grew up, then Angus could be named after the cattle his parents breed. I hope it works. See what you think.

The End of the Road

Sandy coughed, gagged, groaned, and complained in the unbearable heat as the car slewed along the track with air-con and windows locked to keep out the dust, failing as miserably as Sandy’s attempts to convince her stupid parents to go home. No phone. No internet. No nothing. Might as well be dead.

“When I was your age, there were no mobile phones or internet. You’ll survive. We did.”

Don’t punish me for your deprived childhood.

Finally, they arrived. Mum did the introductions.

“Good name for yer,” said the boy, grinning.

“I guess you’re Angus,” Sandy snapped. “Aptly named, too.”

Thank you blog post

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29 thoughts on “Someplace Remote #99WordStories

  1. Pingback: Remote Collection « Carrot Ranch Literary Community

    1. Norah Post author

      I guess she wasn’t, Robbie. But Angus wasn’t very nice to her either. I think most teenagers get to a point where they don’t want to accompany their parents. It’s a natural, and necessary, transition. It was difficult for me as a parent to accept though.

      Liked by 1 person

          1. Darlene

            There was a school that serviced a large rural area. My great-granddaughter attends this school now and a couple of years ago I did a presentation to the grade 4,5 and 6 students there. The original school that I attended burnt down but a fabulous new school was built on the very same site. It was amazing to be back there and to prove that dreams do come true. I brought a yearbook and my old school sweater to show them I had actually attended the school.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Norah Post author

              What a wonderful family tradition, Darlene, and how special for the students to have you visit and show them that anything is possible. I’m sure it made your visit all the more special and personal for them.

              Liked by 1 person

  2. petespringerauthor

    The generations may change, but most teenagers will think their parents are clueless, while the adults tell their kids how much harder they had it.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. D. Avery @shiftnshake

    Heehee. Sandy. Is there a Dusty too? {You should have seen that GPS screen in the picture a few days later. (Hmm, maybe me and Charli should have rolled the windows up on that gravel rollercoaster road.)}
    Your story works. Sandy isn’t going to tolerate any bull from her cousin, it’s clear.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Norah Post author

      I didn’t think of Dusty. There could be a twin. Why not? Maybe Sandy would have been happier had Dusty been with her. 😂
      I could have been a speck of dust on that gravel rollercoaster road. 😉
      I’m pleased the story works. Thanks for your vote of confidence.

      Liked by 1 person


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