Winner of Flash Fiction Rodeo Contest #1

I am delighted to announce the winner of my flash fiction contest “When I grow up”. Judging was a tough job, but we got there in the end.
Charli has made a lovely badge for contestants to put on their blogs. Check it out when you check out the winners.
Thanks for a fabulously fun rodeo, Charli.

15 thoughts on “Winner of Flash Fiction Rodeo Contest #1

  1. Charli Mills

    Norah, Thank you for all your leadership on this contest! Anne and Robbie were terrific judges and you all provided good selections. I’m thrilled Hugh won. I really like the transition in his story comparing what the boy wanted to be to the man evolving and yet becoming all he wanted to achieve.

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    1. Norah Post author

      Hi Sarah. Yes, choosing a winner was both fun and difficult. I was pleased that I didn’t know whose stories I was reading. That way, I was just as surprised as everyone else to find out who the winner was. And I was surprised, I have read quite a bit of Hugh’s work, including his short stories, but I didn’t pick this as his at all. It’s quite a different style from his usual, which is noteworthy in itself.
      Yes, there were great submissions, choosing a winner was a difficult task. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

        1. Norah Post author

          A rom com! I usually think of your stories as being a bit darker, a bit twisted somehow. It’s good to try new genres. We didn’t have a rom com or even a rom in the CR contests this year – maybe next year?
          Stay on cloud nine as long as you like, Hugh. I’m delighted to know that you are so pleased with the win. And so you should be. You had tough competition to win against.

          Liked by 1 person

    1. Norah Post author

      I was thrilled that you were willing to judge the contest with me, Anne. We’ve been riding together on this ranch since it’s earliest days. I’ve learned so much from you and admire your writing greatly, as you know. It was appropriate to have you as a co-judge. It was also an honour. Thank you.

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