Meet Australian author: Jane Jolly – Readilearn

Reblogged from readilearn

This week I have the great pleasure of inviting South Australian author Jane Jolly to the readilearn blog. Jane is author of a number of books, including the recently published Radio Rescue!

The book about which I am talking with Jane in this interview is Tea and Sugar Christmas. Like many of Jane’s publications, this one is based on a true story. It tells of a Christmas experience that is likely very different from your own.

The Tea and Sugar Train

Click the link to read the original: Meet Australian author: Jane Jolly – Readilearn

10 thoughts on “Meet Australian author: Jane Jolly – Readilearn

  1. Patricia Tilton

    I love historical fiction and this book certainly is enlightening. I’ve only read one other book about the Australian outback. I loved the video. So many hungry faces waiting for food and supplies. Thanks for introducing me to this must-read book!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Annecdotist

    An interesting book and back story, Jane and Norah. I was fascinated by the accent of the narrator of the video and wondered if that was typical for Australia at the time to use a British accent – and just for the record, although I’m sure most readers will know, we don’t talk like that in Britain these days!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Norah Post author

      The video was very much in keeping with the way of short news stories that were shown before the feature film in cinemas when I was a child (which is when the video was made). I was pleased when I found it on Youtube as I thought it added nicely to Jane’s interview.
      It’s probably a good thing language evolves!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. thecontentedcrafter

    I watched the little film and learned a thing or two Norah – what an amazing life those folk lived back then and probably still live now – though I suppose it is a little easier these days to socialise and communicate and receive the necessities of life. Does the train still exist? I laughed out loud when a voice said “I said to the missus, I’ve heard of damn all but this is the first time I’ve seen it”. The book looks wonderful too, I love the thought of double page illustrations and the inclusion of facts at the back. Christmas, history and geography in one little book! Fabulous.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Norah Post author

      I’m pleased you watched the video, Pauline. I enjoyed it too. I hadn’t heard of the train before reading Jane’s book. It’s a fascinating story though. I think the train stopped running in 1996.
      In 1978 I lived in Koolyanobbing which was halfway between Perth and Kalgoorlie and 1/2 hours drive north of Southern Cross, which was on the railway line. However the tea and sugar train didn’t go that far. It stopped at Kalgoorlie. At Christmas time Santa arrived at Koolyanobbing in a helicopter. That was very cool. Koolyanobbing was a iron ore mining town (no more) and they arranged the visit. It may not have been as exciting as the tea and sugar train, but the kids sure loved it. 🙂
      It is a great book as you say, with history, geography, and story all rolled in to one. Many of Jane’s books do similar things.


        1. Norah Post author

          I would love to take that train ride too – the Indian-Pacific. I have driven across, but I think the train would be fun. I’d also like to do the Ghan from North to South. One day.

          Liked by 1 person


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