13 thoughts on “April 20: Flash Fiction Challenge

  1. Pingback: April 27: Flash Fiction Challenge « Carrot Ranch Communications

    1. Norah Post author

      My pleasure, Charli. Thank you for the opportunity. I’m pleased some of your regular readers and participants have hung around with a novice in the saddle!


  2. thecontentedcrafter

    You did a fantastic job there stepping in for Charli Norah and the flash fiction prompt is already showing some interesting stories in the comments – I usually wander over and read them all when Charli puts them up at the end. I am delighted to see this community in action – it is simply wonderful!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Norah Post author

      Thank you, Paula. I am pleased to be part of such a supportive community. I feel terribly out of my depth in writing the post though. So far it’s got a good response – thankfully it’s a community of wonderful people. 🙂



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