And so, to begin — another school year – #readilearn

The beginning of a school year is usually filled with anticipation and expectations: new books, new stationery, new friends, new activities, new things to learn. The excitement may be tinged with a little anxiety: will they like me? will I like them? will I be able to do what’s expected of me? what will I do if (insert any likely or unlikely event) occurs? These questions are shared by students and teachers alike.

In addition to all the usual anxieties, with the beginning of this school year occurring at the peak of the Omicron outbreak, many more questions are raised: will school begin as usual? will it be delayed? will lessons be online or face-to-face? will teachers and students’ health be affected and impact attendance? how safe will we/I be if everyone is not vaccinated?

While I am unable to give you any answers about the impact of coronavirus on the school year, I know that whether you are teaching online or in the classroom, or a combination of both, readilearn resources will help reduce your workload with lessons that are ready to teach and activities that can be done at school or at home. The resources now number over 500 and all are for use by teachers with children in the first three years of school. You know when you come to readilearn, you don’t have to wade through lessons for other year levels as well.

Interactive Lessons

Over 100 of the lessons in literacy, maths, science and HASS are ready for you to teach on the interactive whiteboard. They can be used in the classroom or delivered to students if teaching online using screen-sharing as I explain in this video.

Days to Celebrate

When planning the school year, in addition to the ongoing curriculum program, it is good to have some special days and events to celebrate.

A Year of Days and Events to Celebrate in the Classroom lists suggestions for celebrations throughout the year.

A list for each individual months includes more information about each date and provides teaching suggestions and lesson ideas. Each of these documents is available to download free in the Days and Events/Calendars section of Classroom Management resources.

Continue reading: And so, to begin — another school year – readilearn

12 thoughts on “And so, to begin — another school year – #readilearn

  1. Marsha

    Fun to watch you in action, Norah. I love your delivery as well as your ideas. Great video! Congratulations on producing so many resources, and they look to be such high quality, too. I’m in awe of how you accomplished all that and write and blog, too. You are amazing!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Missionarysights

    Teacher walks in the room when students are seated waiting. Students stand as respect. Hands folded saying the Lord’s prayer. Teacher holds the attendance book and each student repeats their name front row to rear of the room. Teacher states his/her me with classroom rules and introduces policies. That is a good start to the year.

    Liked by 2 people


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