A Story Reading for Easter – Readilearn

Easter Delivery is a story about Bilby twins Benny and Belinda who are excited to be old enough to make their first Easter delivery on their own. Before they are allowed to go out, they must prove to Mother and Father Bilby that they are capable of following instructions and delivering just the right number of Easter eggs for each family.

This video provides a brief introduction to the story.

The story encourages children to join in helping Benny and Belinda work out the number of Easter eggs required for each family and choosing which boxes or packs of eggs to leave. It is most suited for use on an interactive whiteboard with a small group or class of children, or on a computer with one or two children.

It can also be used interactively with children if teaching over Zoom as explained in this video.

In this next video, I read the story for you and your children to enjoy.

Continue reading: A Story Reading for Easter – Readilearn

20 thoughts on “A Story Reading for Easter – Readilearn

    1. Norah Post author

      That’s right, Jules. The eggs began with the celebration of spring. Easter celebrations coincided with that and adopted the egg as it’s own. Fits for a new beginning too. 🙂

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Norah Post author

        Now that comment tells me that you listened to the video all the way through, Anne. I didn’t expect you to do that, but hoped some children might. 😊 Thank you for your support.

        Liked by 2 people

      1. Anne Goodwin's next novel is out May 28

        I’m never offended by people sending me greetings (unless I’m extremely miserable and that hasn’t been acknowledged) though I doubt I’ll notice Easter. Although I did go to an onoline singing workshop yesterday with music from the ‘Passion’ which is a Christian thing.
        If the weather’s fine, the crowds will be out. Wishing you the best for yours, presumably with the grandkids?

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Norah Post author

          Thank you, Anne. I hope you have lovely weather to be out enjoying your walks. I’m not sure about the grandkids. They had other plans which may now change due to Covid. We’ll see.
          I have never considered/would never consider you miserable. I just know you don’t do the Easter celebration thing – either way. 🙂

          Liked by 2 people

    1. Norah Post author

      Thank you, Jacqui. I thought the video reading may make the story accessible to more children. Of course, it’s better for them to be involved with the interactive lesson, but I hope they enjoy the story anyway.

      Liked by 3 people


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