Interview with Anne Donnelly author illustrator of Ori's Clean-Up

Interview with Anne Donnelly, author-illustrator – readilearn

With tomorrow 8 June World Oceans Day and World Environment Day just a few days ago on 5 June, there is no better time than now to introduce you to Anne Donnelly and her delightful picture book Ori’s Clean-up.

The aim of World Oceans Day is to celebrate, protect and conserve the world’s oceans. The 2019 theme Together we can protect and restore our ocean focuses on preventing plastic pollution.  With its environmental theme incorporating recycling and re-using, Anne’s book is a perfect fit.

About Anne Donnelly

Anne lives in Sydney with her husband, her two children and their new puppy that chews everything! She loves to be creative in all sorts of ways. She loves to read, write, craft and is a very animated storyteller. As a little girl, she used to draw on the underside of the kitchen table and all the way up the stairs, on each step, much to her parent’s shock.

She has released three books in the Ori Octopus series; Ori the Octopus and Ori’s Christmas in 2017. And now she is especially excited about her latest book Ori’s Clean-Up as it combines two of her passions; children’s literacy and care of our environment. This book has been endorsed by Clean Up Australia and is being stocked at various zoos, national parks, museums, visitor centres, aquariums and holiday destinations all over the country.

About Ori’s Clean-Up

Ori the Octopus and his friends have left their rubbish everywhere. They tidy up, but it doesn’t work. To keep their home clean and healthy, they need to do something different, something better.

The Interview

 Hi, Anne. Welcome to readilearn.

 Thanks for inviting me.

Anne, you tell your stories with words and pictures. When did you know you wanted to be a storyteller and share your stories with others?

Continue reading: Interview with Anne Donnelly, author-illustrator – readilearn

28 thoughts on “Interview with Anne Donnelly, author-illustrator – readilearn

  1. calmkate

    wow who did all the graphics for this one Norah?
    Your presentation standard is rapidly rocketing toward outer space!

    Nice to read about Anne and Ori, what a clever way to get the message and methods out there! Kids will pick it up and do something, they seem far more conscientious than adults 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Norah Post author

      Thanks, Kate. I’m pleased you enjoyed the interview with Anne. I think her book is great for empowering children, and adults.
      Thanks for your kind words about the graphics. What do you notice that is different from usual?

      Liked by 1 person

            1. Norah Post author

              Ah – two different blogs and two different series. The Anne Donnelly post originated on readilearn. I have used the black background on the school days post for two reasons – to look like a blackboard, and to help the images stand out. 🙂 I use other colour criteria on readilearn.

              Liked by 1 person

  2. petespringerauthor

    Thank you, Norah, for this wonderful interview. I always enjoy reading stories from authors who are trying to empower children to be good citizens and care about the future of our planet. It sounds like Ori’s latest book addresses these issues.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. dgkaye

    Hi Norah, it seems many blogs’ Twitter share button isn’t working tonight. I did share the long way round, just not sure you’ll get the notification. Heading over to finish reading. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Norah Post author

      Thank you so much, Debby. You are always so supportive. I’ll check my share settings. I know I am not being notified of all comments on WP. It’s frustrating the way things ‘change’.

      Liked by 1 person

        1. Norah Post author

          I’m finding a few strange things going on at the moment. I guess when we started, there weren’t so many blogging. There are so many now, maybe the system doesn’t cope as well. We do what we can. 🙂

          Liked by 1 person


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