Interactive early childhood teaching resource: Transport Sort – Readilearn

Sorting is a very important skill. We sort things every day without even thinking about it. We sort items in cutlery drawers, sort and arrange dishes in the dishwasher, even our socks and undies. While we might not physically sort them, while we are walking down the street we might sort familiar from the unfamiliar, friends from strangers, and safe from unsafe.

From a very young age, children learn to sort. They can spend a lot of time organising things that go together. By the time they arrive at school most children are able to sort objects according to their properties; such as shape, colour, texture, smell, and size. This prepares them for use of a dichotomous key in identifying natural and manufactured objects.

The interactive resource Transport Sort helps children develop sort

Source: Interactive early childhood teaching resource: Transport Sort – Readilearn

2 thoughts on “Interactive early childhood teaching resource: Transport Sort – Readilearn

  1. Bec Colvin

    I have always found sorting things (e.g. putting away board game pieces) to be a calming thing to do. Maybe this is because someone was giving me lots of sorting activities as a small and impressionable child! These resources look great, thanks for sharing.

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