Carrot Ranch in Crisis

For more than two years now I have been participating in the weekly flash fiction challenge set by Charli Mills at the Carrot Ranch. As well as the challenge, I enjoy the camaraderie and support from other writers, especially Charli who ropes us in with her prompts and encouragement.
For the last little while I have been posting my flash fiction responses on Tuesday evenings, just scraping in before Charli’s deadline. But not tonight. Tonight I am sharing Charli’s post, the post that would normally include a flash fiction prompt, but instead this time included a plea for help. Charli is in crisis mode, kicked out of home and in transit.
Often when friends are in need we can lend a hand by cooking a meal, offering a bed for the night, assisting with chores, and listening. But when that friend is over 12,000 kilometres away, helping out is not such an easy thing. For that reason, this evening I am sharing Charli’s post. Maybe one of you is able to help her out in her time of need.
Thank you for reading. As always, I appreciate your feedback.

16 thoughts on “Carrot Ranch in Crisis

  1. Charli Mills

    Thank you, Norah and Everyone! I’m in the thick of it right now with two days left before having to be out. A combat veterans motorcycle club might be up today to help. They also contacted a lawyer who said we were not served a legal notice…I don’t know that it means anything to us at this point. I’ll update when I can. I just want to say, knowing people care far and wide is a blessing in this trial! Thank you!

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    1. Norah Post author

      Tomorrow, our time, you’ll be on your way. I hope you received that help you were expecting and I hope you don’t encounter any more boulders in your path. Happy trails. xx


  2. Sherri

    Thank you so much for helping spread the word for help for Charli Norah. I am so very proud and honoured and deeply humbled to belong to such a caring, giving and genuine community…we started out as writers and became friends helping one another along the way, above all helping our Lead Buckaroo get back in her saddle once again with hearts full of hope while doing all we can to help… ❤

    Liked by 3 people


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