Flash fiction: Revival

The challenge from Charli Mills at Carrot Ranch Communications on April 23, 2014 was to:  In 99 words (no more, no less) describe the climate of a story as it changes to reflect a character’s mood or to create a sense of what is to come. This is my response to the challenge. I hope you enjoy it.


Her motivation and inspiration was as parched as the cracked red soil beneath her feet. The days were hot and lazy: nothing to do until the rains came. One long languid day followed another. With no work to be done on the land, time did not pressure creativity. Without pressure, there was no rush, no will. The bright blueness of the skies, usually joyous, now oppressive. An occasional cloud or flash on the horizon made empty promises. Finally the winds whipped the clouds into a frenzy, reigniting her creativity as the relentless soaking rains awakened the dormant earth.


Please let me know what you think.

10 thoughts on “Flash fiction: Revival

  1. Pingback: Climate Change « Carrot Ranch Communications

  2. Gina Stoneheart

    Norah, this was breathtaking. Your use of words really set the imagery here. I could see every aspect of the character’s surroundings through your literary guidance and descriptive language. I especially enjoyed the last part… “Finally the winds whipped the clouds into a frenzy, reigniting her creativity as the relentless soaking rains awakened the dormant earth.” A true awakening to a soul who just needed a little boost in her own inspirations.


  3. Charli Mills

    I’m soaking in your flash and feeling the rain fill up those parched spaces. Like creativity, it feels good to end a dry spell. Great flash writing, and I like the desert photo!


    1. Norah Post author

      Thanks for your comments. I really appreciate your support – it’s all due to your challenge. I would never had had a go at flash without it. It wouldn’t have crossed my mind. So thank you for inspiring this avenue for creativity.
      The photo is not mine. It is from morguefile http://morguefile.com/archive/display/8583%3C I guess, although attribution is not required, I could have done so, and will add it now.


  4. Annecdotist

    Great little flash, Norah, and love your picture, too.
    I really identified with your character, as I find I lose my creativity if it’s too hot or too cold… Or maybe that’s just my excuse


    1. Norah Post author

      Hi Anne,
      Thanks for your comment. I find that when I’m lazy, I just get lazier! Sometimes I need that push, that deadline incentive. That’s partly the reason I have set myself certain mini-goals that I try to stick to each week. If I let them slide, it’s easy to keep making excuses until they just disappear!
      Glad you like the picture. It’s not mine though. It is from morguefile. I have added the attribution now. Apologies for the omission.



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