Flash fiction – Vagaries of time

The fifth flash fiction challenge from Carrot Ranch Communications:

In 99 words (no more, no less) write a story that quotes from a song’s lyrics (could be a classical aria, a rock & roll song, anything).

This is my contribution. I hope you enjoy it.

Vagaries of Time

She rubbed the grimy pane, squinting to peer inside.

It was all boarded up now with chairs stacked haphazardly on tabletops and piled in corners decorated with cobwebs.

On one side stood the jukebox covered in dust.

Suddenly she was back in his arms, their bodies pressed tightly together, swaying to Mick singing “time is my side”. They thought they would be young and in love like this forever.

“Hmmhmm! You okay, Miss?”

“Yes,” she stammered, embarrassed.

She stumbled down the steps, smiling as the words in her head became Van’s “precious time is slipping away…”

Thanks for reading. I welcome all feedback.

10 thoughts on “Flash fiction – Vagaries of time

  1. Gina Stoneheart

    This was beautiful, Norah. Although I wasn’t familiar with the songs at first, it brought me back to a time when I was young and in love. Very descriptive how you were able to capture the moment. This makes me want to experiment with flash fiction a bit more. Intriguing!


  2. Pingback: Musical Inspirations « Carrot Ranch Communications

  3. Charli Mills

    Beautiful how you played two songs into this flash like the jukebox playing one after the other! Music is a powerful tool for memory. Thank you for meeting the challenge!


  4. Annecdotist

    This is fab, Norah. I had to read it twice to check I understood it – not that it’s not clear, more that I got distracted by the videos – so much meaning and emotion in such a short piece, with a real lightness of touch. Now I’ve posted my comment, I’ll sit back and have a listen!


    1. Norah Post author

      Thanks Anne. I must admit I do find it a challenge to express what I want in just 99 words. Sometimes I think I try to put too much in and leave the meaning unclear. Hopefully with further practice I will learn to be more succinct. Or maybe I should just try to not tell so much!



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