Reading aloud – sharing stories

I have always loved reading aloud to an audience, be it my own children, a class of children or, more recently, my grandchildren. I love the opportunity to escape into other characters and other worlds. I love to see the expressions on the children’s faces – anticipation, amusement, trepidation, relief, joy.  I love the sounds and rhythms of the language. I love the intricacies of story, poem and information.

Reading stories aloud to children provides a great opportunity to establish a connection between author, reader and listener, a platform for sharing ideas, thoughts and dreams, an avenue for discussing ethical questions and implications of choices. These discussions may arise spontaneously and be child-initiated, or they may be pre-determined and teacher-lead as in philosophical discussions and bibliotherapy.

Some parents find reading to their children a chore, something tedious that must be squeezed in around the day’s busyness. I am lucky. I never did.

Some teachers find it difficult to make time for books in a content-driven classroom; but for me it was always priority.

Some parents are delighted when their children start reading for it means the daily read-aloud ritual can cease. I never was. Well, I was delighted that they could read, but we kept on reading together.

I read aloud with my children until they were almost teenagers. The books changed, but the joy of reading and sharing never did. During the teenage, and older, years we continued to discuss and share ideas about books we read and recommendations for reading. We still do: some for ourselves and some for the children, my grandchildren.

Many of you reading this post take your ability to read and write for granted, as do I. But around the world many children do not have the opportunity to learn literacy skills. According to LitWorld more than 793 million people worldwide remain illiterate. About two-thirds of those are women.

Like the people at Lit World, I believe that “the right to read and write belongs to all people”.

I was delighted when I read about World Read Aloud Day on Gail Terp’s blog. I have been following Gail’s blog for a little while now. She titles her blog: “The Best Blog for Kids Who Hate to Read”. She says that one of her top goals is to connect children with books they love and her posts provide recommendations of great books to read to and with children, as well as to be read by children.

In her post Read Alouds: Supporting Literacy One Book at a Time, Gail suggests 7 reasons for reading (picture books and other books) aloud:

      1. They are fun.
      2. They are motivating.
      3. They are easier to follow.
      4. They often introduce new vocabulary and expressions.
      5. They introduce a variety of writing styles, authors, and illustrators.
      6. They provide an excuse to stay close.
      7. They provide windows to complex subjects and ideas.

Why not join in reading aloud on World Read Aloud Day this Wednesday, March 5.

LitWorld, sponsors of the day, urge you to

“imagine a world where everyone can read . . .”

“World Read Aloud Day is about taking action to show the world that the right to read and write belongs to all people. World Read Aloud Day motivates children, teens, and adults worldwide to celebrate the power of words, especially those words that are shared from one person to another, and creates a community of readers advocating for every child’s right to a safe education and access to books and technology.

By raising our voices together on this day we show the world’s children that we support their future: that they have the right to read, to write, and to share their words to change the world.”

How will you celebrate and share World Read Aloud Day?

11 thoughts on “Reading aloud – sharing stories

  1. Pingback: Thank You, But Joining Award Free Blogs | Being Truly Present

  2. Diane

    Thank you for bringing back warm memories of reading Robert Munsch books to my nephews (over and over and over again – smile). I can close my eyes and remember their giggles and the way they cuddled into me in their jammies. They’re in their mid twenties now…but the memory feels like it was just yesterday. All the best, – D


    1. Norah Post author

      Hi Diane,
      Thank you for sharing your memories of reading aloud. I know what you mean about Robert Munsch. His books are great. In fact you inspired me to have a listen to him on YouTube and I am listening to him read “Something Good” at the moment. I think “Love You Forever” is my favourite, though I can never read it with becoming a little emotional. 🙂


  3. HarrietInBloom

    793 million…wow! We’re planning on having our middle school students compete to see which class can donate the most children’s books in the month of May, and we’re going to give them to some of our feeder elementary schools so that the first, second, and third graders will have books to read over the summer. I will definitely use that statistic to encourage the students to bring in new or gently used books!


    1. Norah Post author

      Hi Harriet,
      It is a phenomenal number, isn’t it? Makes me realise, even more, how lucky I am. What a great project for your middle school students. I wonder how many of them will have books they are prepared to part with. I always loved my books as if they were friends and always wanted to keep them. They were so precious. Nowadays many children have far more books than I ever did, so I’m sure there will be many generous donations – straight from the heart. I will be interested to hear of the success of the project. Thanks for sharing.


  4. Charli Mills

    Like you, I love the chance to read out loud. It really does give you the opportunity to discover the rhythms of a book or story. Literacy is such a big deal! Thanks for the shared links as I did not know about World Read Aloud Day…I’ll read aloud to my dogs!


  5. Bec

    Reading aloud is very fun. I definitely always appreciated the stories read to me! There something really special about reading with the wee ones.


  6. samkbell

    Reading aloud is so special to me that even as adults, me and my partner read aloud together in the evenings. It’s a great way to share a story. Thanks for the lovely post.


    1. Norah Post author

      Thanks for sharing. How lucky you both are to share a special reading time together. What a wonderful way to strengthen the bond.



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