Affirmations: How good are they?

In a recent post, Happy being me I wrote about the fragility of self-esteem and how affirmation songs such as those by Anne Infante, can help to build a positive environment.

‘I am Freedom’s Child’ by Bill Martin Jr. (mentioned in a previous post ‘I love the mountains’) is another great song of affirmation.

Click on the link to view a poster outlining the benefits of singing Affirmation songs in the classroom.

I invite you to submit any additional benefits of singing affirmations that you would like included on the list and I’ll be happy to update it.

Feel welcome to make a copy of the poster to share with others if you wish.

PS I made this poster using a template and cutout people I purchased (along with many others) from the eLearning Brothers. Check out their website here. I found out about them on another great site: the elearning coach.

6 thoughts on “Affirmations: How good are they?

  1. Pingback: “You say it long enough, it starts to be a part of you.” (Rita Pierson) | Norah Colvin

  2. Pingback: Seeking praise – Stephen Grosz revisited | Norah Colvin

  3. Rosie Thrupp

    Morning Norah, Singing of itself is a positive experiencce. It stimulates the endorphins and is a natural way of feeling happy. Of itself this is affirmation that life is good and feeling happy is good. This is all about learning who we are…andmoving toward actualisation ….Maslow’s theory. Singing in a classroom regularly throughout the day is a practice of the past often overlooked by teachers who have been told that their voice stinks. Singing in the classroom does not have to be tune…but passionate and purposeful…I always loved to sing the song Congratulations throughout the day to provide feedback to children and celebrate their achievements in learning….Congratulations and celebrations…

    and Bec, yes, I did it in tutorials at uni as a lecturer to demonstrate to my students that this is effective practice….

    No, I am not trying to be a rock star but use an effective strategy to build a supportive classroom environment….


    1. nco04662 Post author

      Hi Rosie,
      Thank you very much for your in-depth and insightful comment, placing the singing of affirmations firmly high up on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. As you say, singing certainly does make us feel good.
      I am one of those who was told that my “voice stinks”, to “mouth” the words in school performances, and rightly so. I don’t think I could hit one correct note. But throughout all my years teaching, songs and singing were an important part of the day and I always joined in with the songs and the children singing. Never once did a child ask me to stop. As much as I would like to “teach the world to sing in perfect harmony”, I think the children probably agreed with my wish that we were all brave enough to
      “Sing, sing a song
      Make it simple to last your whole life long
      Don’t worry that it’s not good enough
      For anyone else to hear
      Just sing, sing a song”
      You could say this is a bit of my theme song!
      I love the way you describe using songs throughout the day, including “Congratulations and celebrations”; including in your university lectures. Well done! I’m sure your students loved it.


  4. Bec

    What a great poster, Nor. It would be lovely if singing affirmations were adopted in more classrooms – I wonder if many teachers lack the self-confidence to try? I also wonder how it would go in my tutorials!!!


    1. nco04662 Post author

      Hi Bec,
      Thanks for your comment. I don’t think the inability to sing should prevent anyone using songs of affirmation in the classroom – it never stopped me! But then I had some wonderful singers, like Anne Infante, to lead the singing for me.
      I would be interested to hear how it goes should you try it in your tutorials. Is one ever too old to enjoy singing? You may recall that in my earlier post, I mentioned that the most memorable talk at a conference I attended was the one which engaged everyone in song.
      It could certainly be worth a try in your tutorials – along with your other innovative techniques.
      Have a go, and let us know.



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